Rovsing has been awarded a contract by Thales Alenia Space (TAS) UK for the design, development and delivery of the Electrical Power Subsystem (EPS) Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) in support of the ESA FLuorescence EXplorer (FLEX) mission. The mission was selected as the eighth Earth Explorer in ESA’s Living Planet Programme and will fly in tandem with the Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission. FLEX will provide global maps of vegetation fluorescence that can reflect photosynthetic activity and plant health and stress. The satellite is expected to be launched in 2024.
The FLEX EPS EGSE provides a test suite of hardware and software for supporting EPS assembly, integration and verification by means of Solar Array simulation, discrete signal simulation, Battery simulation, Umbilical launch support and various Load simulations. The EPS EGSE will provide the customer with a full range of ground support testing and simulation based on Rovsing key products such as the RO-5100 SAS Module, R0-1010 and RO-1100 SLP Modules, RO-2000 range MASC products as well as the Rovsing EGSE Controller SW Suite.
Rovsing started work on the FLEX EPS EGSE following an Authorization to Proceed (ATP) signed late December 2020. The Kick Off was held successfully with TAS mid-January and work is now, following the full contract signature, continuing toward the Design Review in early April, with the delivery of the EPS EGSE to TAS-UK scheduled in Q4 2021.
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