On-Board and Ground Support Software
All space systems rely heavily on software, from monitoring and control of the space segment, over telemetry transmission and acquisition, to data dissemination, processing and archiving. Therefore it is essential to the success of a mission to have dedicated software developed that fulfils the quality requirements for space application.
Rovsing delivers on-board software solutions, such as command and control systems, user interfaces and advanced monitoring systems, developed and designed to meet both functional and performance requirements of the mission, as well as the high quality requirements for on-board software.
Rovsing also delivers a broad range of ground support software solutions as well as simulation and evaluation software solutions.
Our on-board and ground support software deliveries include:
- ATV Command Checker Software System
- COF (Columbus Orbital Facility/Europe’s International Space Station Module) LAPTOP application software
- COF Synoptic Display Executor Software
- COF Flight Window Definition Utility
- COF On-board Data File Software
- COF Unified Synoptic System
- COF On-board Software Dump Analysis Tool
- COF Monitoring and Control Software
- COF Ground Window Definition Utility
- NASA Database Integration Software
- Matrix-X Mission Data Base Integration Software
- Ariane 5 Transducer Calibration System
- Galileo Ground Monitoring System AIV Tools
- Galileo Ground Control System AIV Tools
- Galileo System Integration and Validation Tools
- Galileo GACF Archiving Software
- Galileo SPF MMI Software
- Galileo Radio Frequency Compatibility Test Simulator
- ASCAT Instrument Return Signal Generator
- AMAS Instrument Breadboard Evaluation System