How to get in touch with us:
Do you wish to apply for a job within Rovsing A/S?
With a steadily growing organisation Rovsing is always on the look out for qualified engineering staff for challenging development activities at our Danish Headquarters in Glostrup and for international on-site technical assistance. Find open positions here.
Do you wish to invest in Rovsing A/S?
Rovsing A / S offers shares and seeks listing on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange. here
Do you want to check up on Rovsing A/S News?
Rovsing A/S announces a number of news to inform our customers of the latest news. The list can be foundĀ here.
Do you wish to learn about our Solutions?
Rovsing performs the overall design of ground system architectures for a space mission, taking into consideration all aspects of operations, usability and maintenance, to deliver an architecture which is both robust and flexible. For more detailsĀ click here.