On the 15th of June, the Delivery Review Board (DRB) for Set #1 of the Electrical Power Subsystem (EPS) Special Check-Out Equipment (SCOE) in support of the PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO) mission was successfully conducted by Rovsing, Thales Alenia Space (TAS), OHB and the European Space Agency (ESA) thus enabling the timely delivery of EPS SCOE Set #1.
With the PLATO EPS SCOE, Rovsing will provide TAS with a test suite of hardware and software for supporting Spacecraft assembly, integration, and verification (AIV) by means of Solar Array simulation, Deployment mechanism simulation, Battery simulation and conditioning, Payload simulation, as well as it will provide Umbilical support during the AIV and launch campaign. The EPS SCOE will provide the customer with a full range of ground support testing and simulation based on Rovsing key products such as the RO-5100 SAS Module, R0-1010 and RO-1100 SLP Modules, RO-2000 range of MASC products as well as the Rovsing EGSE Controller SW Suite.
With the DRB approved the Rovsing team is authorized to ship the PLATO EPS SCOE Set #1 to the TAS facility in Cannes, France.
PLATO is the third medium-class mission in ESA’s Cosmic Vision programme. Its objective is to find and study a large number of extrasolar planetary systems, with emphasis on the properties of terrestrial planets in the habitable zone around solar-like stars. PLATO has also been designed to investigate seismic activity in stars, enabling the precise characterisation of the planet host star, including its age.
For more information about Rovsing’s Power SCOEs, EGSE product family, or other services, please contact us at info@rovsing.dk or call +45 44 200 800.