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September 20, 2021

Delivery of the 3rd set of MPCV-ESM PCDU EGSE for Leonardo in Milan

Tuesday, the 14th of September, the 3rd set of Power Conditioning and Distribution Unit (PCDU) Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) was delivered to our customer Leonardo in Milan, Italy, following a successful Delivery Review Board (DRB) in late August.

The PCDU EGSE will be used to support the Assembly, Integration and Unit Testing of the PCDU for the European Service Module (ESM) of the NASA Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV) which will take humans back to the Moon as part of the Artemis programme. The previous two sets of PCDU EGSE were delivered back in 2016 to Leonardo.

The PCDU EGSE provides a test suite of hardware and software for supporting PCDU assembly, integration and verification by means of Solar Array simulation, discrete signal simulation, Battery simulation and various Load simulations. The PCDU EGSE will provide the customer with a full range of ground support testing and simulation based on Rovsing key products such as the RO-5100 SAS Module, RO-1010 and RO-1130 SLP Modules, RO-2000 range MASC products as well as the Rovsing EGSE Controller SW Suite.

For more information about Rovsing’s Turn-key System Solutions or other products and services, please contact us at or call +45 44 200 800.